Famous Photographer Quote #0261

John Loengard

“I don’t think I have become more skillful a technician over time. I think I have become more skillful at finding pictures that fit a very simple technique… You have to learn what you can do well… My pictures reflect the fact that I’m trying as hard as I can, and I can’t do anything else.”

John Loengard

7 thoughts on “Famous Photographer Quote #0261

  1. inte fan gör det det: Thanks for liking this quote. Unlike Loengard, I feel I have become a more skilled technician over time, and I have accomplished this by doing demanding commercial assignments. These technical skills have migrated into my fine art photography making it even stronger.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Empress Alexis: I’m glad you liked this quote. Some people got it, and some did not. I think you have to take it as three separate quotes rapped into one. That’s what I did, and I related deeply to the last two sentences. I also give Loengard credit for his well thought out scowl !


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