Famous Photographer Quote #0255

Diane And Allan Arbus 1950

“I work from awkwardness. By that I mean I don’t like to arrange things. If I stand in front of something, instead of arranging it, I arrange myself.”

Diane Arbus

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14 thoughts on “Famous Photographer Quote #0255

  1. Thanks for liking this Diane Arbus quote. It’s exceptional. I also love the self-portrait of Allan and Diane dated 1950. It is very telling. If you look at the way his hand is touching hers delicately with his arm around her, it seems as if he is protecting her from a world he thinks she is too sensitive to handle…and ultimately he was right. On the other hand, she seems imprisoned. She was definitely not a Stepford wife.


  2. Nature’s Child: Thanks for liking this quote Diane Arbus. I’m glad to see you liked it on Facebook as well.

    My reply on Facebook (for WP bloggers): I hold Diane Arbus in the highest esteem for the fact that she cared enough and was drawn to people that 1950s society had labeled as freaks and nothing more. It must have been difficult to get inside their world and convince them of her artistic intentions. I also love this self-portrait of Diane and Allan taken in 1950 at their NYC studio. They are a picture of domestic bliss and normality… Ha! The demons were at bay for at least 1/125 second.

    Liked by 1 person

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